Ooyasan wa Shishunki! (Anime Short) Review

Show’s only got 2 minutes an episode, so I’m gonna speedrun this one.

6149a56dca7fb69fc9251975f8dd3be01454357245_fullStory: A dude named Maeda moves into a new apartment complex where his landlord is a middle school girl.

Characters: There is zero character to be had. Both tenants that this middle schooler is the landlord of must control their lolicon urgencies.

Art: Average. Next point.

Sound: There is one track. It’s generic, not worth listening to.

Personal Enjoyment: I’ll be honest, I was confused half the time watching this. The characters talk so fast to fit the 2 minute episode time that I was left dazed in my seat trying to process this show. GrotesqueSeveralBlackandtancoonhound-size_restricted

Watch if you want. You’ll only use up about half an hour of your life if you choose to do so.


(If you read this all under 2 minutes, congratulations, you read it in under the time it takes to finish one episode.)

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